It’s no secret that things are tricky right now due to COVID. Every credible medical source is telling us not to get together with friends and family, especially if we have to travel long distances to see them. These concerns are completely valid if our intention is to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. With all of this said, camping is a great option that will allow you to see your family and friends despite everything.
Before the Camping Trip
Once you determine when you will be having your camping trip, ensure that everyone that will be attending self-isolates between 7-14 days it takes place. On the 7th day, they should get tested. Once their results come back (hopefully negative), they should continue to self-isolate until the day of the trip. Those who test positive should avoid interacting with others until they test negative after 14 days of self-isolation.
We do not recommend carpooling campers from different households as an added safety measure. Ensure that everyone’s temperatures are taken once they arrive at the campsite.
The Perfect Season For Camping
Camping in the wintertime can be a challenge. There’s the cold to worry about, and (possibly) inclement weather, but it’s actually one of the two seasons in the whole year during which more dangerous predators like wolves and bears go into hibernation.
Dealing with dangerous predators and a deadly virus at the same time is no way to spend quality time with your friends and family. You can camp during any time of year, but if you want to avoid crossing paths with a bear, we suggest setting your sights on the autumn and winter months.
Where to Camp
Camping outdoors in a wilderness or national park is arguably one of the safest ways to spend quality time with our inner circles right now. The fresh, open air and the wide-open spaces allow us to not only have the ventilation we need but also helps to facilitate social distancing. Due to the nature of hiking itself, the social distancing sometimes tends to happen organically.
We recommend staying away from popular campsites with public restrooms. These sites not only attracts lots of campers, but those public restrooms are most definitely going to be vectors for viral plague. If you don’t have a choice, do your best to socially distance, wear your mask when you aren’t in your tent, wash your hands after touching things, and wipe down public utilities with anti-bacterial wipes.
All About Shared Camping Equipment
Another good thing to consider when camping is what to do regarding shared equipment. It’s a good idea to ensure that serving spoons and forks are used if eating from a single pot. An even better suggestion is to reduce the amount of shared camping equipment at all. We recommend keeping anti-bacterial wipes with you at all times to disinfect any surfaces or pieces of shared camping equipment
About Camp Sleep Systems
Camp sleeping arrangements can be tricky during the age of corona, so we’ll take out the guesswork for you. When it’s time for lights out, divide your camping party up by household. Any campers that share a household can safely share a tent. Campers that live solo or with others who are not part of the party should bring their own tent.
Taking these precautions will help you make the most of the time you have with your family and friends while keeping them safe.
Don’t forget to wash your hands, disinfect shared equipment and surfaces, wear your mask and have a great time!